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Flow Advisor - Flow in Channels and Channel Flow Calculations

Channel Calculations

Flow Advisor may be used to calculate water flow rate, water depth, volume and weight, and length expansion. The calculations can be performed on:
  • Water Flow Rate in Part full pipes.
  • Water Flow Rate in Part full rectangular sections.
  • Water Flow Rate in Rectangular channels.
  • Water Flow Rate in Flat bottomed channels (with sloping sides).
  • Water Flow Rate in Vee channels.
Examples from the pipe flow calculations screen are shown below.

Channel Flow and Tank Flow Calculations, find flow, volume, weight, expansion, tank empty times

Buy Flow Advisor to calculate flows in channels and tanks

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Find water flow in channels using the manning formula and manning coefficient WATER FLOW RATE

Click the 'Water flow rate' radio button.
Choose an appropriate Manning coefficient for the type of pipe material.
Enter the appropriate data (length, internal diameter, fluid depth, drop) for the pipe arrangement.
Choose the flow rate units required.
Click the 'Calculate water flow rate' button.
Find water depth in channels for a given flow and channel specification WATER DEPTH

Click the 'Water Depth' radio button.
Choose an appropriate Manning coefficient for the type of pipe material.
Enter the appropriate data (length, internal diameter, water flow rate, drop) for the pipe arrangement.
Click the 'Calculate water depth' button.

The maximum flow rate for a circular section occurs when the water depth is approximately 93.8% of the internal diameter.
Click 'Max Flow' button to display the maximum flow possible.
Find volume and weight of flow through a channel VOLUME AND WEIGHT

Click the 'Volume and Weight' radio button.
Enter the internal diameter, external diameter, length of the pipe, and the depth of fluid.
Choose the pipe material to set the material density (or enter your own value).
Choose the fluid to set the fluid density (or enter your own value).
Click the 'Calculate Volume & weight' button.
Find length expansion LENGTH EXPANSION

Click the 'Length Expansion' radio button.
Choose the temperature change from the drop down listing.
Click the 'Calculate expansion' button.
Flow Advisor for Channels and Tanks can help you save time and money.

Click here to download Flow Advisor for a FREE trial!

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